European VC Platform
By and for community-builders in European TechWhat is the VC Platform Community?
What are we?
The European VC Platform is a community for community-builders in European tech VC. It is a space to ask questions, share best practices, and, yes, even discuss mistakes.
plat·form build·er | noun
- a person whose role is to work with and alongside a portfolio of companies
- can be in roles such as business development, talent, community, etc.
Ex) VC portfolio/talent manager, GM of a co-working space, director of an accelerator
European VC Platform has 2 main rules
1Focus on Platform
Members must spend > 51% of their time in a dedicated value-add capacity (talent, community, platform, finance, etc.) on a weekly basis for startups
2No Selling
There is absolutely no selling of any products or services of any kind within this community
Founded in LDN with ❤️
Now with 100+ members across Europe